Remedy for the Great Resignation: Build Businesses and Teams Based on Values & Purpose
FOCUS: New Business Paradigm, Values-Based Leadership, Millennials
Format: Keynote
Values, meaning, and purpose are all part of the non-negotiable criteria for modern companies and teams. It creates the momentum and social glue that binds people together, united, under a common mission. In this riveting session, learn not only why the Millennial generation simply will no longer work for those without these attributes but also how to create them. Even if your organization is not on board with these concepts, you can create them within your own team immediately. There’s no excuse not to realign yourself and your mission in your current role.

Focus: Leadership Lessons, Mobilizing Your Team
Format: Keynote, Breakout
Joseph Campbells concept of the Hero’s Journey is a template that often movies use to create a story line: the unlikely hero appears, they are reluctant to take on a certain path but finally they do. There are twists and turns, challenges, and pitfalls along the way but ultimately the hero triumphs and returns to where they began, wiser and able to help others by sharing their wisdom. Using a commonly known hero’s journey, The Wizard of Oz, the leadership journey, and key 3 lessons that weave them and their teams together are revealed. This is a fun, humorous but deeply introspective journey for the participants who want to create the passion and pride of their team.

Building Resilience in Challenging Times
FOCUS: Personal & Professional Development
FORMAT: Breakout Session or Workshop
Life has a way of throwing us curveballs. The promotion you wanted may be given to someone else. That long term, rock-solid relationship may stall out or disappear unexpectedly. A critical illness could appear just as you’ve made positive changes for your health. Or you may experience a financial hardship you never thought could happen to you. Whatever challenges and hardships you may face, it is important to develop skills to help you overcome adversity and become a more resilient person who can get through difficulties and bounce back. Every human being has the capacity to be resilient. It is part of who we all are; it’s built into our DNA to survive. However, at times we need new tools, reassurances, inspirations, or connections to help us traverse the most difficult moments. This segment will provide you with the key attributes you can strengthen to develop your resilience, making you a “more bounce back-able” leader and human being

Motivating & Mobilizing People: Carving That Straight Line to the Result
FOCUS: Leadership / Communication / Motivation
Format: Keynote, Breakout Session or Workshop
One of the most overlooked competencies within the leader’s toolkit is often not knowing how to appropriately communicate with others in a manner where not only can they be heard, but also the lister is compelled to take action. The common misconception is that all people are motivated by the same thing, money is simply not true. In this session leaders and managers will learn the 4 motivating categories, how to identify them and craft their language effectively within an accepted style so others will really hear you. We not only are motivated by different variables, but we respond to different communication styles. When you motivate and mobilize people, they will move mountains to achieve that end result quicker and more effectively.